Ainsley – Busselton 2006

Caving, Margaret River - 2007

Rottnest Island – 2008

Anaconda Adventure Race – 2008

Pemberton Road Race – 2010

This is a work in progress.

Not that it will ever be finished 🙂

Belonging, treasure and other valuable things

Recently, I got to thinking about Australian citizenship, and its place in my life. From one perspective it is not something I have consciously thought about often; it sits there as a treasure in my life, a foundation in my life, as something which provides a platform...


just love the way in which it is possible to tell the same story in a multitude of different ways, and in a variety of different forms. The same story. I never cease to be amazed that for many stories, there is something...

OK, Let’s Begin

guess that it's time to begin. I mean, you have to begin somewhere. Why not here? Why not now? Not ready yet. That is always the story. Upon reflection, though, I have to conclude that if it was OK for Google to run...

Playing with TimThumb

I'm using the Aggregate theme from Elegant Themes (nice, thanks Nick). Now like many of the Elegant Themes,...

Beautiful Day

Interesting video this one. Interesting in that it caused me think about perspective - a lot of what we see and hear, we interpret through the coloured glasses of how we feel about the subject matter. Or rather, how we are influenced to feel about the subject matter....